10 Simple Swaps to Live More Sustainably
![Zero Waste](https://i0.wp.com/morganhilliard.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/zero-waste.jpg?resize=1200%2C888)
Have you ever wondered how you can make a positive environmental impact? Start small with the simple swaps below! Just think if everyone you knew made the same decision. You’d really be making a difference!
One of the most common single-use items are plastic water bottles. Globally, one million are bought every minute! By bringing a reusable water bottle on-the-go, you can help reduce this number drastically! There are so many places where you can refill it: water fountains, restaurants, sinks, + more! Add a purifier, like charcoal or a filter, to ensure you have clean water!
Every time we shop, there’s most likely someone ready to bag our items in single-use plastic. Eliminate the waste by bringing your own reusable grocery, produce, + shopping bags! Store reusables in your car or purse so you don’t forget + say “no thank you” to plastic bags before the cashier rings up your item!
By many, coffee is considered a work day’s fuel + is commonly consumed multiple times a day. Unfortunately, though, coffee consumption can be very wasteful. Less than 1% of paper coffee cups are recycled because they have a thin plastic liner on the inside. To avoid paper + plastic coffee cups, bring your own reusable! At first it may feel uncomfortable to ask for your drink in the reusable, but once you get into the swing of things it will be a breeze! Some companies, like Starbucks, even offer a discount to those who bring reusable cups!
Straws are everywhere! Almost every time we go to a restaurant or bar there is one placed in our drink. Over 500 million straws are used in the United States every single day. Discarded straws often end up in the ocean where marine wildlife, such as sea turtles, may eat or become hurt by them. Bring a stainless steel, glass, or bamboo one with you + sip away knowing your straw doesn’t suck!
Often times plastic cutlery is distributed with takeout food, at a workplace’s cafeteria, or during parties. Instead of using plastic, pack on-the-go cutlery! You can either bring utensils you already have from home or try a bamboo on-the-go pack! A stainless steel straw will fit in this pouch too!
When toothbrush bristles start to wear down, they are generally thrown away. Instead of sending more plastic to a landfill, you can swap it for one you can compost! Bamboo toothbrushes are the perfect eco-friendly alternative!
For many households, saving food means covering, wrapping, or bagging the leftovers in plastic. But now there’s products on the market that can do the same thing without the waste! I love using Bee’s Wrap to seal + wrap my food. It’s an organic cotton cloth coated with beeswax, tree resin, + jojoba oil that sticks to itself or the edges of a dish by the warmth of your hands. It’s also easily washable, available in multiple sizes, + comes in many cute designs!
Think about how many times you use paper towels during a day. All of them end up in a landfill! To reduce excess paper use, choose to use a cloth towel! After using the towel, “throw it away” in a laundry bin!
Many soap products are already zero waste! Hand soap bars are a great option over the plastic of many soft soap products. Another great bubbly option is buying in bulk! Head over to your local bulk store with your favorite reusable container + fill it up! Then, when you come home you can keep restocking a reusable soap pump!
Restaurants will either give you a plastic or styrofoam takeout box for leftover food. As a sustainable substitute, try bringing your own container with you!
Please understand that our society is not currently built to avoid single-use items, so it’s up to the consumer to work around it. A sustainable swap may not always be an option, so don’t feel defeated if the above cannot work for you! If you’re simply thinking about it + swapping single-use items when possible, you’re helping Mother Earth tremendously! 🙂
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